this is just another crappy post..
first bt blog ni tot nk start post about oppadeul pny progress..
tp end up besawang...
me decide nk bt public diary guna blog ni..
and akn post jgk psl oppadeul..
hehe.. *ngengade*
but shoud i or should i not..??
i mean.. should i post psl daily life..??
blog suju freak yg beta create ni end up being 1 of the main place for me to release my anger..
(sorry for using harsh words.. this is just me.. klu xbley trime.. tpulang.. me not gonna change...)
sbb sometimes..
org suke bg pndpt yg kuang ajau..
seriously.. de dak kt tmpt keje ni..
me maki/marah die dpan2..
(dlu xpna berani nk garang depan2 cmtu..)
skg die da xbrani nk tgur sgt da..
org pn da xde hati nk ckp ngn die..
kuang ajar nk mati..!
cam babi..!
baru kenal da brani provoke org psl SUJU oppadeul.. berani die ckp oppadeul gay??! siap ckp..
"lantak ko lah.. yg aku tau... super junior GAY.. dah!"
org geram bkn men..
org bls la..
"ko xknl korea pny culture cmnr.. ko jgn nk kutuk2.. ko ingt ko bagus sgt??"
die siap gi donlod lagu2 oppadeul smate2 nk ejek org..
die akn play lagu oppadeul smbil dok bt gaye cam geli..
die akn "eeeee... geliny... eee... cmner la korg bley minat... bkn sedap pn lagu dorg... eeee.."
tp still play tuh..
cam bodo!!
org geram trus marah die.. dpan2 customer die..
"klu ko stakat nk ejek2 aku.. baik ko delete lagu2 tu skg sblm aku baling hp ko tuh!!"
padan muke..!
die even kutuk kite yg minat k-pop n such ni..
ayat die cam..
"aku de bnd nk tgur ko psl bnd2 ni.. tp bkn skg la.. nt aku cari mase ssuai sbb bnd ni mgkn akn bt ko sakit hati.. aku cube paham korg.. somehow aku paham.. dak2 dunia akhir zaman ni mmg camni.."
pdhl die bkn baik sgt pn..
aku hari2 tgk cara die..
da bley agk cmnr orgny..
aku dah cam.. pehal mamat ni.. aku tny la ape bndny..
die ckp nt la..
aku da bengang sbb aku mcm dpt agak..
die kate cam kite ni tlampau taksub dgn bnd2 alah korea ni..
smpai dh mcm xingt tuhan..
maybe aku nmpk je cmni..
tp xbmakna aku ni jahil..
org ckp la kt die..
"ko.. klu mmg xnk ckp bnd tu kt aku.. baik ko jgn ctr awl2.. da 2kali ko bt cmni.. jgn smpai aku hilg sabar..
ko tau x ko ni.. golongn hipokrit tau x?? munafik!!"
aku ni da la panas baran..
bile aku pertikaikn bnd2 tu.. die try nk ubah topik..
tp bile me ckp die munafik bagai..
die balas..
"aku ngaku aku muslim tp bkn gologn mukmin.."
ayat konon nk best..
tp dari situ aku dpt agak die xbpe nk paham ape yg die tgh ckp tu..
lagi nk nasihat aku psl agama..
smpai ke hr ni..
die xbpe nk ckp ngn aku da..
tp lantak la.. hehe.. ><
jahat ke saye??
(kejap me.. kejap aku.. kejap org.. kejap saye.. kejap... ape2 je lh.. hehe..)
my own quotes when people sort of gave me bad critic a.k.a maki/sindir...
"i'm not a good person, but that doesn't mean you are better then me"
just wonder...
should i start post psl daily life or something..
sbb sometimes.. org bkn suke sgt bace bnd cam tu..
just nk tau pendpt korg je..
mcm best je klu post psl daily life..
it could be sort of a public diary...
*like every1 wanted to know bout ur life/self-slapped*
me being quite under pressure sbnrny..
nt nk start bljr..
da lame xface student life..
xtau if still bley handle ke x..
doakn sy..
sbb kali ni me tpaksa be total independent..
xtau la nk bt cmner..
penat kot bile org yg paling kite expect utk support kite mcm pandang rendah kt kite..
it just complicate..
tp whatever lah..
jgn harsh sgt dgn beta k..?!
thanks for reading this crappy post.. ^^
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