for the first time.. beta ikut a few ELF bt gathering.. never tot it would be this fun..
been saying this many times.. its a true happiness for me to have the chance to talk bout oppadeul so freely..
(k.ain!! mian!! org curik pic from your blog.. ><)
been received loads of poker faces from people around me who don't really into this kind of thing as me.. but when i'm with u guys.. loads of cute responses.. ouh!! guysss!!!!!!!!!!! so love u guys.. ^^
finally.. despise all the crowd around me.. nk give my last love before i leave.. ><
this post might be quite boring.. tp.. will try to improve myself dlm bidang blogging neyh.. beta sunggoh xreti blogging.. sila beri tunjuk ajar.. *bow..* ><
hahaha..tuanku pny post ok pe..cuma kalo tuanku merapu meraban lg best kot..hahaha...btw i loike ur ming!!!
ReplyDeletetuan hamba mau beta merapu meraban?? melucasss beta reti laaa.. muahahah!! xde ah.. merapu meraban itowh bakal menyusul.. cuma skg.. slow2 dlu.. maklum la.. beta masih kanak2 baru belajar.. hehe..